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Pro PCTG vs PETG 3D Filament Chemical Resistance

3D-Fuel Pro PCTG has broader chemical resistance than PETG.

So, what does this mean?

Here are chemical types and examples with a breakdown of PCTG's advantage over PETG. The CRR demonstrates how much more resistant Pro PCTG is relative to PETG. For example, a CRR of 1.5 means that Pro PCTG is ~50% more resilient than PETG.

How would you use the advantages of Pro PCTG in your 3D prints?

Chemical Type Examples PCTG Advantage PETG Limitation Comparison (CRR - how comparatively resistant PCTG is vs PETG)
Alcohols Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), ethanol, methanol Resists prolonged exposure without degrading or cracking. Degrades or stress cracks with high alcohol concentrations over time. 1.8
Hydrocarbons Hexane, heptane, gasoline, mineral spirits Better resistance to hydrocarbon-based solvents. Softens or weakens when exposed to hydrocarbons. 2.0
Acids Acetic acid, citric acid, phosphoric acid Maintains structural integrity in mild to moderately concentrated acids. Degrades faster in acidic environments at higher concentrations. 1.4
Bases (Alkalis) Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide Better resistance to strong alkalis. May crack or degrade when exposed to strong bases. 1.33
Cleaning Agents Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), industrial degreasers, detergent solutions Withstands harsh cleaning agents without discoloration or damage. Discolors, cracks, or loses properties with harsh cleaning agents over time. 1.5
Oils and Lubricants Engine oils, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils Resists degradation from prolonged exposure to oils. Absorbs oils over time, potentially leading to swelling or weakening. 1.6
Ketones Acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) Performs slightly better in low-concentration ketones. Softens or dissolves more readily in ketone-rich environments. 1.2
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